Historian &


“Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge ; it is thinking that makes what we read ours.” — John Locke

My Philosophy

In Walden, Henry David Thoreau wrote, “Instead of noblemen, let us have noble villages of men.” Rather than limit learning to the classroom or a period of one’s life, Thoreau advocated for the continual pursuit of enlightenment, a task which he believed would create better human beings.

It is with this same conviction that I hope to bring the treasures of knowledge to students, providing them the chance to discover a new passion, a different perspective or an unexpected path. It is through communicating our knowledge and passions that we connect with one another and open doors for further exploration.

It is my hope that by living my passion I might inspire a younger generation to a similar journey — together we lay foundations for our own noble villages.


The Blog

As an active educator and avid reader, I often write about new ideas and inspirations from my daily experiences. There are resources for students, educators, writers and readers, including book reviews, classroom projects and curious histories.


College Admissions Consulting

I am committed to seeing students through to their next academic journey.

Consulting services help you navigate the rigorous admissions process and gain acceptance to your top schools.


Walden Education

Walden Education works with students and educators to cultivate independent thinking and stimulate academic exploration. We offer free resources along with lesson plans and upcoming classes.

Learn more at waldeneducation.com